Advantages of Working With Affordable Divorce Mediators on Long Island

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation is an alternative to hiring a divorce attorney. While some mediators are open to attorneys being present during the mediation process, others discourage it, fearing that the presence of a lawyer would create too much tension and imbalance in the negotiations. However, an attorney can always be consulted outside of the mediation session, especially if you are unsure of your legal rights.

Divorce mediation can be a valuable tool to help couples reach a mutual agreement on the terms of their divorce. Unlike litigation, divorce mediation takes the wishes and needs of the parties into account. In some cases, a couple can reach agreement in a single session, but in most cases, the process takes several sessions. read more

Divorce Mediation – How to Choose an Amicable Divorce Mediator on Long Island

Divorce Mediation

When a couple cannot agree on the terms of their divorce, they might opt to try Divorce Mediation to settle a sticking point. However, this process may take longer than expected, and couples can opt for this option if they have already resolved most of the issues during the divorce. However, this method can be more beneficial for couples who want to minimize the emotional and financial cost of the divorce. Divorce mediation can also help you avoid a lengthy trial.

The process of divorce mediation usually begins with a meeting between the parties to establish the groundwork for the process. At the first meeting, both parties will discuss their respective positions on the issues involved. If there are children involved, they will talk about child custody and child support and spousal maintenance. They will also need to gather tax returns, financial statements, and other pertinent information. It is also helpful to have copies of the documents you want to include in the divorce case. read more

Divorce Mediation – How It Can Be Beneficial For Your Family

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation – How It Can Be Beneficial For Your Family

There are many benefits to Divorce Mediation. Compared to litigation, this process will usually take less time. Depending on the complexity of the issues involved, you may be able to reach an agreement within a single session. In other cases, however, the process can take much longer. For example, you might be unable to reach a fair agreement if you have not yet worked out all of the financial details. This is a common scenario in which you and your spouse turn to mediation to work out one sticking point. read more

Benefits of Divorce Mediation on Long Island

Divorce Mediation

Benefits of Divorce Mediation on Long Island

One of the most significant benefits of Divorce Mediation is that it avoids court costs and the stress of litigation. The process is also quick, as the mediator is not a judge or an attorney. Instead, both parties work together to decide what is fair. The mediator will ensure that both parties consider the interests of the children, and may arrange meetings with the children or other people. Although it may seem like a complicated process, Divorce Mediators aim to get to the root of the problem and help the parties reach a mutually beneficial solution. read more

Divorce Mediation – An Alternative To Divorce Litigation

Divorce Mediation is one of the most expensive ways to have a divorce. The average fee of divorce mediation in New York is from $4,500 to more than ten thousand dollars. This price range includes the actual expenses associated with the divorce itself, including court fees, accountant’s fees, transportation costs, etc., and also includes the cost for the preparation and filing of the divorce papers. The costs for divorce mediation are usually negotiable, so the divorcing spouses can agree on an amount that they can afford without compromising the quality of the Divorce Mediation. The Divorce Mediation can be done personally by one or both parties, or using a computer and webinar technology. read more